What is AER?
Preserve. Share. Discover.

Applied Ecology Resources (AER) is a novel information repository. AER makes preserving, sharing and discovering information on the management of biodiversity and the environment easier for everyone in the ecological community.
AER promotes evidence-based decision-making by curating a wide range of information sources such as open access journal articles, research summaries and other grey literature.
The current AER website is under development. The full searchable database will be launching in early 2021 where users will be able to search for, access and share applied ecological research in the form of journal articles and summaries, grey literature, educational materials and other related content on the website. Click here to find out more.
AER will be free for everyone to read all archived content. When fully launched, you will be able to browse, search and filter results to find the stored information in your areas of interest. If you find a document that you want to share with other colleagues, just send a link to the document page and they will be able to access it
Organisations will be able to upload and share their reports with a broad international audience by becoming a member of AER. AER membership is open to any organisation or group that produces evidence-based information on the management of biological resources. We can receive documents written in most languages and there will be an options to filter search results by language.
AER is supported by an Advisory Board who provide advice on strategic development and contribute to decision-making.

At the heart of AER is a new peer-reviewed open access journal, Ecological Solutions and Evidence. The journal will publish articles with direct relevance for the management of biological resources and ecological systems and will form part of the freely accessible resource available on AER. Visit the website to browse our latest articles and learn more about our journal in our Editorial.
The current AER website is under development and the full searchable database will launch in 2021 Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for updates or subscribe to our eBulletin below.