A classification of East African rangeland, with an appendix on terminology.
A map is given showing the distribution in East Africa of 6 ecological zones denned on the basis of rainfall and evaporation data. Of the vegetation types important as rangeland, the following are defined: bushland, with shrubs less than 6 m tall having a canopy cover of more than 20%; woodland, with trees up to 18 m tall and a canopy cover of over 20%; grassland, in which the canopy cover does not exceed 2%; bushed grassland, with conspicuous shrub vegetation having less than 20% canopy cover; wooded grassland, with less than 20% canopy cover of trees; dwarf shrub grassland, with a sparse cover of grass and dwarf shrubs less than l m tall. Maps are given of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania showing the distribution of these vegetation types and also of forest, barren land and permanent swamp. A list of terms to be avoided in descriptions of East African vegetation is given.-R.B.