Bush control studies in the drier areas of Kenya. VI. Effects of fenuron (3-phenyl-1,1-dimethylurea).
In field tests with fenuron pellets, Commiphora spp., Maytenus putterlickioides, Premna oligotricha, and Tarchonanthus camphoratus were mostly tolerant of the recommended dose of ca. 7 g. active ingredient applied at the base of established plants, but eight Acacia spp. and Dichrostachys cinerea were sensitive to treatment. In comparison with five other methods of herbicide distribution, placing pellets immediately at the base of stems gave the best results. In a related experiment, 3 g. of active ingredient applied at the base of A. drepanolobium stems at the onset of the rainy season, combined with burning six months later, gave 75-80% mortality. Other results suggested that a double application of very low dosage (e.g. 0.75 g.) might give the most economic use of fenuron. KEYWORDS: Acacia drepanolobium \ Acacia \ herbicides \ effects \ Maytenus putterlickioides \ trees \ poisoning \ control \ shrubs methods \ equipment \ Premna oligotricha \ Tarchonanthus camphoratus \ herbicides \ application form \ methods pelletted \ herbicides \ fenuron