Land classification for management planning in the Luangwa Valley of Zambia.
The Luangwa Valley is about 700 km long and up to 90 km wide, and contains about 15, 000 km2 of game reserves where local overgrazing and overbrowsing is a problem. Notes are given on land facets, soils and hydrology, and vegetation of the 9 land systems distinguished; this information is being used for aerial photo-interpretation and mapping. Species lists are given for riparian forest, flood plain grassland, Colophospermum mopane[Hardwickia mopane] woodland, thicket and woodland savanna on free-draining alluvium, miombo (Brachy-stegia/Julbernardia/Isoberlinià) woodland on deep soils and miombo scrub on shallow soils.-R.B.