Partition of assimilates in an annual and a perennial grass.
The youngest fully expanded leaf on plants of Lolium temulentum and L. perenne grown at 200 or 2000 f.c. light intensity was exposed to 14CO2 for 30 min and amounts of 14C in various plant parts were determined after 24 h. In both species growing vegetatively in bright light the source leaf retained 30-40% of labelled C and 20-25% was translocated to the terminal meristem. In L. perenne most of the remainder was translocated to tillers and roots whereas in L. temulentum some remained in the stem. In dim light only 36-51% of the 14C was exported from the source leaf, and again 20-25% was translocated to the terminal meristem. In L. temulentum most of the remainder moved to the stem while in L. perenne it moved to the tillers and to a lesser extent to the roots.-R.B.