The ecology of Aphis craccivora Koch and Subterranean Clover Stunt Virus in south-east Australia. III. A regional perspective of the phenology and migration of the cowpea aphid.
In this part of a series [cf. preceding abstract, etc.], the authors discuss the climatic traits for the development of populations of Aphis craccivora Koch in south-eastern Australia, relating its migration and colonisation to climate. The work was based on catches in Moericke traps operated at 32 sites. It is concluded that climate is the main factor concerned, successful development depending on a series of biotic and climatic events favouring migration, establishment and dispersal. Problems of predicting migrations are discussed and it is concluded that the model developed by the authors [preceding abstract] has regional utility and can be used for predictive purposes on a daily or weekly basis, provided that weather data are available for a sufficient number of localities.