A passive haemagglutination inhibition assay for the identification of stomach contents of invertebrate predators.
A passive haemagglutination inhibition (PHI) test for the identification of stomach contents of invertebrate predators is described. When used in a system involving the wolf spider Pardosa ramulosa (McCook) preying on 3 insect species inhabiting brackish pools in the Petaluna Marsh in California (Aedes dorsalis (Mg.), Ephydra riparia Fall. and Trichocorixa reticulata (Guer.)), PHI was up to 2 orders of magnitude more sensitive than the precipitin tests while exhibiting intergeneric specificity. The facilities needed for PHI tests were about as elaborate as those used in precipitin testing; the main disadvantage of PHI was its requirement of a continuous source of antigen, which however can be supplied by culturing the prey species. The technique has been used to detect a wide variety of plant and animal materials, which suggests that it is generally applicable to studies of interactions between predator and prey regardless of prey taxon.