Classification of canopy, stem, crown status and climber infestation in natural tropical forest in Nigeria.
D.b.h., canopy status, stem form, crown form and climber infestation were measured at intervals over a 14-yr period for trees of Khaya ivorensis and Sterculia rhinopetala growing in the Idanre Forest Reserve, Nigeria. Initial b.a. accounted for 54-60% of b.a. increment (b.a.i.) variation in K. ivorensis and 26-37% in S. rhinopetala. Regression analyses showed that initial climber infestation was significantly related to b.a.i. in S. rhinopetala. Classification by stem form and, to a lesser extent, by canopy status, improved the prediction of b.a.i. in K. ivorensis. The correlations between successive increments did not diminish substantially over the 14-yr period.