Growth, nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen transfer by legume species established on mine spoils.
Growth and N uptake of 22 legume spp. on (a) china clay sand waste at Maggie Pie, Cornwall and (b) colliery spoil at Abram, Manchester amended with lime and NPK fertilizer were studied. On (a) growth of forage spp. was limited causing low N accumulation and transfer to grasses. Annual spp. did well in the 1st yr but did not reestablish in the 2nd yr. Yields of perennial spp. were low at 0.7-1.5 t/ha. The best forage spp. on (a) were Lotus corniculatus and L. uliginosus; the best overall sp. was Lupinus perennis with yields of 7.9-14.2 t/ha and good N uptake. Legumes performed better on (b) than on (a). The best perennial spp. were lucerne, L. corniculatus and Lupinus perennis. White clover was most effective in increasing the yield of Agrostis castellana in mixtures.