Cycling of fluoride in a mangrove community near a fluoride emission source.
A comparison of stands of immature (15 yr old) Avicennia marina growing near a fluoride chemical installation and a relatively unpolluted area showed that A. marina can accumulate high concn. of F, particularly in leaves, generally without visible injury. Although above-ground biomass at the 2 sites was similar (21.8 and 21.7 t/ha), F in the standing crop at the polluted site was considerably greater (2.7 kg/ha) than at the unpolluted site (0.04 kg/ha). The potential significance of F retention capacity in mangrove communities is discussed in relation to estuarine food webs of commercial and ecological importance.<new para>ADDITIONAL ABSTRACT:<new para>A comparison of stands of immature grey mangroves (Avicennia marina) growing near a fluoride emission source on Kooragang Island, Australia and a relatively unpolluted area showed that high concn of fluoride could accumulate, particularly in leaves, generally without visible injury.