Life-history studies of the coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei, Scolytidae) on coffee trees in southern Mexico.
A series of experiments involving artificial infestation of coffee trees with Hypothenemus hampei was carried out in Chiapas, Mexico. Attacked berries were marked to identify time of infestation. Berry samples were taken every 3-4 days for periods of up to 91 days and the number of life stages present recorded. Two peaks of egg production occurred at about 10 and 50 days post-infestation. The 2nd peak was probably the work of one or more daughters of the founding female. Berries removed and placed on the ground 4 days after infestation developed significantly (p < 0.0001) larger numbers of eggs than berries remaining on the tree. Mortality of the founding female was low once established in the endosperm. Very few dead immature stages were found, though calculations based on egg-laying schedules suggested that mortality may be 30% after 30 days of development. Apparent mortality of adult progeny rarely exceeded 10%. The main causes of mortality were pathogens that either attacked the endosperm causing the female to abandon the berry in many cases, or attacked the insect directly. The innate capacity for increase was estimated as 0.065 per day; cohort generation time was 45 days, and population doubling time 11 days.