Interactions between nutrient status and weevil herbivory in the biological control of water hyacinth.
The growth of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) plants was measured at two water nutrient concentrations (high and medium) and in the presence and absence of two insect biocontrol agents in a large circulating hydroponic system in a glasshouse. At the high nutrient concentration (1.6 mg l-1 N and 1.0 mg l-1 P), plants multiplied more quickly, attaining greater biomass. Both insect species reduced plant growth at both nutrient concentrations. Neochetina bruchi, however, performed better than N. eichhorniae at the high nutrient concentration by inflicting more damage on the plants and reducing biomass by a greater extent. Insect damage reduced the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus found in plants growing in high nutrient water but not in medium nutrient water (0.4 mg l-1 N and 0.025 mg l-1 P). The developmental and reproductive performance of N. bruchi was determined at both nutrient concentrations. Water hyacinth plants grown at higher nutrient concentration were superior hosts to N. bruchi than plants grown at medium concentrations. Net reproductive rate and intrinsic rate of increase were significantly greater at the high concentrations. Greater damage by N. bruchi to water hyacinth at the high nutrient concentration was due to the greater production of offspring, and hence greater larval damage. It is predicted that water hyacinth problems will be greater in eutrophic waterbodies, where N. bruchi will be a superior biocontrol agent to N. eichhorniae. In low-nutrient waterbodies, local nutrient enrichment of water may assist the establishment of control agents. These results illustrate the importance of wider ecological factors on the success of biological control.