Gap analysis of national and regional fisheries and aquaculture priorities and initiatives in Southern and Eastern Africa in respect to climate change and disasters.

Published online
03 Jun 2015
Published by
Norway, Nordenfjeldske Development Services
Content type

Publication language
East Asia & Africa South of Sahara & Southern Africa


Fisheries and fishing-dependent people are particularly vulnerable to disasters and climate change impacts. The objective of the study was to identify regional and national gaps and opportunities to reduce the vulnerability of the sector to impacts from climate change and increase the resilience of fisheries and aquaculture livelihoods to disasters. The identification of gaps and opportunities were made through a combination of a survey, website searches and reviews of documents - including policies, strategies or agreements - that contain fisheries/aquaculture and climate change adaptation (CCA)/disaster risk management (DRM) aspects. Identified national and regional priorities were compared to actions in place and thus gaps were identified. A total of 24 countries, 16 of which are least developed countries (LDCs), were considered for Southern and Eastern Africa. A regional workshop on climate change, disasters and crises in the fisheries and aquaculture sector in Southern and Eastern Africa was held in Maputo, Mozambique on 22-24 April 2013 to provide input into the gap analysis process and provide recommendations for addressing climate change adaptation and disaster risk management in fisheries and aquaculture. Overall, 39 gaps or recommendations were identified. These are presented in Chapter 4, with reference to their source and in respect to the four areas of adaptation and disaster risk management action, namely: * strengthened governance to address disasters and climate change impacts affecting fisheries and aquaculture; * addressing and reducing underlying risks through prevention and adaptation measures; * managing effective response and improving preparedness for disasters and climate change; and * improved early warning systems and availability of information. These gaps and recommendations provide specific and general suggestions for those considering supporting the development of actions in the area of fisheries/aquaculture and CCA/DRM in Southern and Eastern Africa. The findings will also be used to inform advice for the on-going CAMFA process and will provide valuable insights for the formulation of the Policy Framework and Reform Strategy for Fisheries and Aquaculture in Africa.

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