Climate change in the Congo Basin: information and knowledge exchanged between actors.
This document presents an inventory of information and knowledge on climate change passed between players in four countries of the Congo Basin, namely Cameroon, Congo, Gabon and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It appears from this study the following observations: REDD+ MRV and more particularly are at the centre of discussions on the reduction of CO2 emissions due to their links with the forest policies; adaptation is dominated by the assessment of the vulnerability of local communities and, to a lesser extent, natural systems; adaptation the policies and practices of communities and ecosystems are inseparable from general development policies and the fight against poverty; seminars and workshops, the main channels of transmission and sharing of knowledge and information used in the region, are not appropriate the fact that they are targeting a very small number editors; leaving most information outside the circuit; there is also a lack of national expertise, which usually requires countries to resort to outside expertise and counting mostly on international organizations, as research that cooperation as well as development partners to obtain the necessary information. To reduce the existing differences between the information available globally on REDD+ and adaptation and those circulating in the countries of the Congo Basin, it is important to: (1) establish mechanisms for coordination, strategic management and dissemination information and knowledge; (2) the specific contexts adapter information from the global sphere; and (3) to use as much as possible, channels dinformation and language adapted to the needs and capacities of different actors.