Adaptation policies and synergies with REDD+ in Democratic Republic of Congo: context, challenges and perspectives.

Published online
13 Jan 2016
Content type

Kengoum, F.

Publication language
Africa South of Sahara & Congo Democratic Republic


The countries in the Congo Basin are poor and vulnerable and, as such, suffer from the negative effects of climate change. Fighting this phenomenon has become an item on countries policy agendas. Processes, based on mitigation and adaptation measures, have been launched at various levels and places in these countries to cope with the dynamics of a changing climate. But to study and implement mitigation and adaptation measures simultaneously is not enough. In a situation characterized by poverty and resource shortages especially financial resources and to support a process that is already exceptionally slow, it is important to go further and consider the synergy between mitigation and adaptation. The principle described in this analysis is combined with thoughts on the best way to proceed, a way to encourage more thorough analyses and ensure ex situ integration and coherence between climate and development policies, and in situ integration and coherence within the climate policies, the objective being to deliver both ecological and policy synergy outcomes.

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