Diagnosis of the bushmeat trade in the cities of Colombia.
Most of the available literature on the bushmeat trade in South America focuses on the Amazonia, probably because the bushmeat trade in other ecosystems (tropical forests, mountain forests, savannas, etc.) is considered negligible since the potential trade is absent due to the availability of other alternative protein (beef, chicken, and fish). Some scattered studies and reports of seizures provide evidence of trade in bushmeat in different regions of Colombia, but there is no information on the existence of market chains operating clandestinely in different regions of the country, especially in urban areas. A better understanding of bushmeat market chains, the stakeholders, the main trade routes and commercial species can provide key information about threats to biodiversity and to make better management decisions associated with education, control and sustainable use initiatives. This study looks at the bushmeat trade in urban areas, giving evidence of its existence in all ecoregions of the country. This preliminary study highlights the need to quantify and track the volume of trade in bushmeat, understand traders' motivations and to explore possible measures to reduce threats and help stakeholders to participate in a legal and sustainable use of bushmeat.