Tourism supporting biodiversity: a manual on applying the CBD Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development.
This manual provides information for planners, developers, managers and decision makers involved with tourism development and resource management in areas of sensitive biodiversity. The purpose is to help them to mainstream biodiversity concerns and ecosystem services within sustainable tourism development. The manual has 11 chapters, covering: (1) the CBD Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development; (2) the dimensions of the relationship between tourism and biodiversity; (3) tourism and biodiversity policy and governance; (4) baseline information on tourism and biodiversity; (5) plan formulation for tourism and biodiversity; (6) tools for controlling and influencing tourism impacts on biodiversity; (7) notification and impact assessment of tourism projects; (8) management initiatives to support biodiversity through tourism; (9) monitoring, reporting and adaptive management of tourism impacts on biodiversity; (10) awareness raising and capacity-building for tourism and biodiversity; and (11) reporting on tourism and biodiversity.