Second Session of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of the Central Asian and Caucasus Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, 21-23 April 2014.

Published online
13 Jul 2016
Content type
Bulletin; Conference proceedings

Publication language
English & Russian
Tajikistan & Armenia & Azerbaijan & Kazakhstan & Kyrgyzstan & Republic of Georgia & Turkey & Ukraine


The Second Session of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of the Central Asian and Caucasus Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission (CACFish) was held in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic on 21-23 April 2014. The Session was attended by representatives of five CACFish Members, namely Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkey. The session was also attended by the following invited non-CACFish Member States: Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. The TAC discussed and generated scientific advice and prioritised research needs on the following issues for consideration of CACFish: (i) inland fisheries stock assessment; (ii) regional strategic principles for climate change; and (iii) fish breeding and broodstock management. The Committee also approved after technical discussions the Framework for a regional strategy and associated principles for aquatic animal health management in CACFish area. TAC also set its 2014-2015 inter-sessional work plan. TAC revised the Regional Work Programme and proposed some amendments. Revision and subsequent implementation of the five-year regional work programme is regarded as an essential operational instrument of CACFish in terms of regional improvements in inland fisheries and aquaculture. Organization of biennial sessions with biennial work programme was found worthy to consider in terms of cost-effectiveness however no conclusion was reached on that matter.

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