Success from the bottom. Participatory monitoring and restoration of forests.
This review presents a series of lessons learned, synthesized from reviews of over 100 articles and interviews with experts on forest restoration. The following results are established: a system of monitoring for restoration of forests at different scales of application can be carried out on multiple sites; successful participatory monitoring systems follow the basic principles of monitoring restoration of forests, but with an emphasis on quick response and with information appropriate to answer the questions and needs of stakeholders without focusing on the generation of data with scientific relevance. Further, the local population, with levels of training and independent verification, can accurately collect accurate data on the change of forest cover, its drivers and threats; adequate incentives and support can motivate the local population to participate in the long-term monitoring; and in order to achieve the exchange of information on monitoring, decisions must be invested in efforts and resources to create interactions between local actors. Finally, repeated interactions have more probability of generating learning, management adaptive and appropriation of the process; and digital devices can be used for data collection and acceleration of the analysis to multiple levels, including debate, interpretation and decision-making at the local level.