USGS integrated drought science.
This paper discusses the USGS Integrated Drought Project. The USGS is organized into seven Mission Areas that focus on some of the most significant issues facing society. Understanding drought processes will require capabilities from all the USGS Mission Areas including water, ecosystems, climate and land use change, core science systems, environmental health, natural hazards, and energy and minerals. The USGS Integrated Drought Science Plan seeks to improve understanding of drought processes and impacts on human and natural systems through coordinated and multidisciplinary data collection, synthesis, analysis, and predictions generated from USGS Mission Areas and various partnerships. The goal is to provide decision-support tools and technologies to stakeholders for enhancing drought resilience, adaptation, and mitigation. The Long-Term Drought Resilience Federal Action Plan (Action Plan) specifies six goals and corresponding actions for each goal. The goals are: (1) data collection and integration; (2) communicating of drought risk to critical infrastructure; (3) drought planning and capacity building; (4) coordination of Federal Drought Activity; (5) market-based approaches for infrastructure and efficiency; and (6) innovative water use, efficiency, and technology. Furthermore, the Action Plan outlines how NDRP Federal agencies can use existing authorities to work with State, Tribal, regional, and local partners to respond to drought and implement strategies for long-term resilience.