Effects of the EU-LULUCF regulation on the use of biomass for bio-energy.
This bulletin provides an assessment of the consequences of Regulation 479 for the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector under the Climate and Energy Framework on the functioning of the Renewable Energy Directive and volumes of biomass becoming available to it. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 includes discussions on greenhouse gases reporting and accounting issues plus many LULUCF reporting details. Chapter 6 quantifies to what degree the LULUCF regulation may limit the provision of woody and agricultural biomass. Chapter 7 provides an assessment of how views on imported biomass may change under the LULUCF regulation, while chapter 8 looks in more detail at text of criteria in the regulations, whether they are in line with each other and how monitoring requirements can be met. Finally, a summary of the conclusions is given in Chapter 9.