Total dry matter, nutrient uptake and yield of summer mungbean as influenced by organic management practices.
The experiment was conducted at MARS, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka state during summer season of 2013-14. Significantly higher Total dry matter Production at harvest was obtained with application of Enriched compost (1/3) + Vermicompost (1/3) + Glyricidia green leaf manure (1/3) equivalent to recommended dose P2O5 + FYM (24.18 g/plant) and among liquid organic manurial treatments, foliar application of panchagavya @ 5 percent (24.98 g/plant). The higher uptake of NPK by mungbean at harvest was significantly higher with application of EC (1/3) + VC (1/3) + GLM (1/3) equivalent to 50 kg P2O5 + FYM and with panchagavya foliar spray @ 5% applied at flowering and 15 days after flowering. Application of EC (1/3) + VC (1/3) + GLM (1/3) equivalent to 50 kg P2O5 + with FYM recorded significantly higher grain yield (1368 kg/ha) as compared to EC (1/3) + VC (1/3) + GLM (1/3) equivalent to 50 kg P2O5 per ha alone (1258 kg/ha) and was on par with RDF + FYM (1301 kg/ha).