19th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, 14-16 March 2017.
The 19th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference was held in Blacksburg, VA, March 14-16, 2017. This conference provided a forum for silviculturists, researchers, and practitioners to exchange the latest research information on the ecology and management of southern forests. Of the 70 oral presentations and 55 posters presented during the conference, 56 papers and 16 poster abstracts were submitted for these proceedings. The papers cover 15 topics, which include Oak Silviculture, Invasive Species, Disturbance and Damaging Agents, Forest Mensuration and Modeling, Pine Bark Beetle, Loblolly Pine Fertilization, Afforestation, Long-Term Silvicultural Studies, Bottomland Silviculture, Forest Soils and Best Management Practices, Loblolly Pine: Density & Competition Control, Shortleaf Pine Silviculture, Longleaf Pine Silviculture, Ecophysiology, and Fire. Papers and abstracts from oral and poster presentations provide managers with the latest research from universities, government agencies, and natural resource agencies.