Agroforestry species of Peru: annotated list and contribution to priorization for genetic resource conservation.
In 2017, ICRAF began a prioritization process aimed at orientating its future genebank activities in Peru. The present report documents the first stage of this process. The prioritization was carried out in two phases. First, a list of Peruvian agroforestry species was generated. Second, the conservation status of the species were evaluated. For purposes of the prioritization, a wide definition of "agroforestry species" was used, i.e. any tree, shrub or palm species actively managed by farmers. The list was compiled based on reports of on-farm use in published and unpublished sources, including references located in the Scopus and Google Scholar databases, project reports, and unpublished databases derived from previous ICRAF research. Only native species were considered. The evaluation of conservation status was based principally on the current official Peruvian list of endangered plant species. A total of 148 agroforestry species were recorded: 20 in the coastal region, 47 in the Andes, and 94 in the Amazon. Approximately 31 species were classified as threatened: 6 in the coastal region, 16 in the Andes and 14 in the Amazon. As a next step, a second prioritization stage is recommended, which should consider the Peruvian land restoration agenda, as well as biological and socioeconomic considerations (including seed biology, smallholder priorities, cost-effectiveness of interventions), and expert opinion regarding additional species that should be included in the final prioritization.