30th Session of the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission, Dresden, Germany, 11–13 September 2019.
The Session presented and discussed the results achieved by EIFAAC, by its Management Committee as well as its Technical and Scientific Committee since the 29th Session of EIFAAC and reviewed the recommendations from the EIFAAC International Symposium on "Food Safety and Conservation in Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture", held in Dresden, Germany, from 9 to 11 September 2019. At this Session, new items such as Member and Observer Presentations on their inland fisheries and freshwater aquaculture sector and Open Discussion on the role of EIFAAC have been successfully introduced as a way to stimulate discussion and interaction on the country and observer organization level. The Session reviewed and adopted the EIFAAC Strategy 2020-2024, including the newly formulated Communication Strategy, and the EIFAAC Workplan for the next intersessional period of 2020-2021.