FSC Invertebrate Challenge project evaluation report.

Published online
20 May 2020
Published by
UK, Field Studies Council
Content type

Boardman, P.

Publication language


This project reports on the outcomes of the development of volunteer invertebrate recorders who are knowledgeable and confident to accurately record invertebrates, i.e. aculeate Hymenoptera, hoverflies, craneflies, beetles and spiders, increasing the number of invertebrate recorders in Shropshire (UK) and the surrounding area, increasing the number of accurate and reliable invertebrate records in Shropshire and the surrounding area, raising the profile of the role of invertebrates as indicators of healthy bio-diverse habitats. The results of the studies on the use of new technology (i-phones), which can hold electronic field identification and recording software (i-phone apps) are discussed and information on the building up of the national example of good practice, which was established by the Biodiversity Training Project, showing best practice in training for volunteers and support for biological recording with difficult species groups, is also presented.

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