FSC Tomorrow's Biodiversity Project Evaluation Report. Summary & recommendations from the FSC Tomorrow's Biodiversity project 2013-2017.
Tomorrow's Biodiversity was a Field Studies Council project funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation from 2013 to 2017 inclusive. A two-year development phase, which included desk research and a public consultation, helped to frame a three-year delivery phase. The development phase defined several exemplar projects aimed at exploring ways to overcome barriers to participation in biological recording and survey. There were two kinds of exemplar projects: (1) those providing training in biological identification and survey, particularly for taxonomic groups which are under-represented in national biodiversity monitoring; and (2) trialling and production of new digital tools for biological identification and analysis and visualisation of biological records. This reports presents a summary of the work of Tomorrow's Biodiversity and the lessons learned. The report ends with a series of recommendations to providers of biological identification training (especially of specialist invertebrate courses), schemes and societies, identification resource developers, biological recorders and funders of natural history and biodiversity projects.