FSC Tomorrow's Biodiversity Consultation Report. Collated views and ideas from the 2014 consultation.

Published online
07 Jul 2020
Published by
UK, Field Studies Council
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Burkmar, R.
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A wide-ranging consultation with the UK biological recording and biodiversity surveillance and monitoring community was conducted. This was accomplished over a series of open workshops covering a wide geographic area in the UK plus targeted meetings and formal telephone consultations. Almost 100 people took part in these personal consultations. This consultation report focuses on gaps in taxonomic coverage, habitat recording/monitoring, supporting surveillance and monitoring protocols, overcoming barriers to learning, overcoming barriers to contributing to surveillance and monitoring, supporting people outside the classroom, and identification resources (including new media) and techniques. This document distils many of the views and ideas expressed over the entire consultation. Views and ideas that had widespread support or which were otherwise innovative or interesting were identified in particular.

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