Making the applied research that practitioners need and want accessible.
Exchanging applied ecological and management information is the key to achieving real-world impact for mitigating the environmental impacts of anthropogenic activities. Ecological Solutions and Evidence is a new peer-reviewed open access journal publishing articles with direct relevance for the management of biological resources and ecological systems. Ecological Solutions and Evidence was placed at the center of a new information repository called Applied Ecology Resources (AER). AER and Ecological Solutions and Evidence will become the information storehouse for applied ecological management that allows truly global sharing of project successes. The British Ecological Society (BES) publishes the world's premier applied ecology journal (Journal of Applied Ecology), which provides a high-profile venue for authors to publish research that moves applied research theory forward. The Mission of the British Ecological Society (BES) is to advance ecology and make it count, and this means ensuring that it has real world impact on policy and applied management.