Distribution, status and conservation of Alopecurus pratensis-Sanguisorba officinalis flood-plain meadows in England.
Data is presented on the distribution, extent, conservation status and management of MG4 flood plain meadows. Ninety two sites have been identified covering a maximum area of 1543.35 ha. Most sites occur south and east of a line from the Tees to the Sevcrn estuaries with 81% of the area occurring in the Severn, Trent, Yorkshire Ouse and Thames catchments. Most sites containing MG4 are small with 62% being less than 10 ha. A high proportion of sites have statutory nature conservation designations or arc managed as nature reserves. 77% of sites are currently in favourable management condition in whole or part. The positive conservation of MG4 grassland is discussed in relation to the threats and issues which currently impinge upon the maintenance and enhancement of biodiversily and nature conservation value.