Offline template for the evidence-to-decision tool.

Published online
20 Jan 2022
Published by
UK, Conservation Evidence
Content type

Christie, A. P.

Publication language


The Evidence-to-Decision tool has been co-designed between the Conservation Evidence group and practitioners from several organisations to help guide practitioners through the process of making an evidence-informed decision. The tool is structured to help you consider and combine several forms of evidence (e.g., scientific evidence, tacit knowledge, values, costs) to reach a transparent decision, documenting each stage of the process so that the logic and reasoning behind decisions can be open and traceable. This tool is best suited for use by individual landowners, reserve managers, and small NGOs working on specific projects to come to an evidence-informed decision for a specific problem. The tool was designed to streamline an evidence-informed decision-making process with limited time and resources. The tool can also be used to begin thinking about how to tackle major decisions, laying the foundation for a more in-depth decision-making process using other tools and frameworks e.g., Structured Decision-Making, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, or Theory of Change etc.

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