Coquet to St Mary's Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ): a study of a UK Subtidal mud feature (2019).
This report focuses on the Coquet to St Mary's Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) and explores survey data collected within the site and surrounding areas in 2016. It investigates the presence and map the spatial distribution of the habitat FOCI 'Seapen and burrowing megafauna communities' within the Coquet to St Mary's MCZ and surrounding areas; describes the structural and (where possible) functional attributes of 'A5.3 Subtidal mud' within the MCZ and surrounding areas; notes observations of other BSHs, habitat FOCI or species FOCI recorded within the MCZ and surrounding areas; presents evidence relating to the presence of non-indigenous species and marine litter, to satisfy requirements of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD); and practical recommendations for appropriate future monitoring approaches for 'A5.3 Subtidal mud'.