Newquay and The Gannel Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) monitoring report 2017.
This report is one of a series of Marine Protected Area (MPA) monitoring reports delivered to Defra by the Marine Protected Areas Group (MPAG), which provides the necessary information to allow Defra to fulfil its obligations in relation to MPa assessment and reporting, in relation to current policy instruments, including the Oslo-Paris (OSPAR) Convention, the Marine and Coastal Access Act (2009) and Community Directives (e.g. the Habitats and Birds Directives and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive). This monitoring report is informed by data acquired during a dedicated benthic marine survey carried out at Newquay and The Gannel Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ), an inshore site located on the north coast of Cornwall within the 'Western Channel and Celtic Sea' Charting Progress 2 (CP2) sea area. during 2017, and will form part of the ongoing time series data and evidence for this MPA.