Shell Flat and Lune Deep Special Area of Conservation (SAC) monitoring report 2017.
This report primarily explores data acquired from a dedicated monitoring survey of the Shell Flat and Lune Deep SAC in 2017, intended to serve as first sampling point in a monitoring time series. This report includes recommendations which inform continual improvement and development of sample acquisition, analysis and data interpretation for future surveys and reporting. Site and feature specific indicator metrics are not currently defined for this site. Potential indicators, where identified, will be evaluated and considered for inclusion in recommendations for future reporting. Furthermore, this report presents the outcomes of numerical analyses designed to address a wider suite of site-specific objectives including the importance of the site for providing food resources for the Common scoter (Melanitta nigra), a designated feature of the Liverpool Bay Special Protection Area (SPA), investigating the effects of the 2017 Douglas Field oil spill and making recommendations regarding sieve mesh size for subsequent infaunal monitoring.