Distribution and extent of Zostera beds: Roa Island and Foulney Island.

Published online
22 Aug 2022
Published by
Natural England
Content type

Latham, H.

Publication language


This survey aimed to establish the distribution and extent of Zostera noltii and Zostera angustifolia within areas of north Morecambe Bay where knowledge is currently lacking, primarily in the bay between Roa Island and Foulney Island and along the northern shore of the Foulney Island. There is the potential for Zostera beds in these areas not to be adequately protected in these areas due to gaps and low confidence in the available knowledge and this survey aims to ensure an accurate assessment of its distribution and condition. Methods comparative to those used in the previous AMEC and APEM surveys were used, bringing our understanding of the Zostera beds in this area in line with wider, more recently surveyed areas.

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