West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Bosullow (part) (survey area 30 (part) - 2021) Natural England.
This report presents a habitat survey conducted at Bosullow (part) / Site 30 (part) in Cornwall. The survey site supports an area of acid grassland, bracken and very small pockets of blackthorn scrub. The habitats include Holcus lanatus-Juncus effusus rush-pasture, Festuca ovina-Agrostis capillaris-Galium saxatile grassland, Holcus lanatus-Trifolium repens sub-community, Rubus Fruticosus - Holcus lanatus underscrub, and Pteridium aquilinum - Rubus fruticosus underscrub. No rare, scarce or threatened species were noted during the survey. Lowland acid grassland stands occurred as small patches within a mosaic with mesotrophic rush pasture and accounting for less than 50% cover, making application of CSM condition assessment impracticable. There were no other priority habitats observed. For these reasons, no habitat condition assessments were made.