West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Busvargus and Tregeseal Common (part) (survey area 11 (part) - 2022).

Published online
20 Aug 2022
Published by
Natural England Research Report NERR121
Content type

Beard, M.

Publication language
UK & England


This report presents a habitat survey conducted at Busvargus and Tregeseal Common (part) / Site 11 (part), Cornwall. The survey site supports lowland heathland, underscrub habitats, non-native vegetation on made-up ground and hardstanding / access track. Stands of lowland heath vegetation were characterised by Ulex gallii, Erica cinerea, Molinia caerulea and Rubus fruticosus agg. and showed a strong affinity to H4 Ulex gallii - Agrostis curtisii heath. Stands of species-poor underscrub vegetation were dominated by Rubus fruticosus agg. Whilst a complete species-list was not made for these stands they showed a strong affinity to W24 Rubus fruticosus - Holcus lanatus underscrub. A dense patch of the non-native and potentially invasive Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora was present on an area of apparently made-up ground to the immediate north of the properties / gardens. No rare, scarce or threatened species were noted during the survey. Due to the small size of habitat present and that the survey area forms part of a larger extent of semi-natural habitat previously surveyed, no condition assessment for lowland heathland habitat was deemed necessary.

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