NatureScot Research Report 1303 - Ardvar Woodlands SSSI Site Condition Monitoring 2021.

Published online
07 Sep 2022
Published by
UK, NatureScot
Content type

Heaton, S. A.

Publication language
Scotland & UK


In this research, Haycock and Jay Associates Ltd was commissioned by NatureScot to undertake Site Condition Monitoring (SCM) at Ardvar Woodlands Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)/Special Area of Conservation (SAC) in May 2021. The main findings were: Overall, the whole of Ardvar woodlands the woodland feature is in unfavourable condition; Whether the woodland condition has improved or got worse since the previous SCM assessment in 2004 is unclear. This is because the points surveyed in this survey are different to the points surveyed for the 2004 SCM so it is not possible to give a direct comparison. Repeat SCM assessment every six years should help identify any changes in the overall woodland condition; The SCM condition of woodland features within enclosures is assessed as Unfavourable recovering; And the woodland SCM within each estate was assessed as Unfavourable no change except for the North Assynt Estate which is assessed as Unfavourable recovering. This is because most of the assessed woodland within the North Assynt Estate is within enclosures.

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