Planning for development - customer survey 2020.

Published online
08 Sep 2022
Published by
UK, NatureScot
Content type

Shepherd, M.
Contact email(s)

Publication language
Scotland & UK


NatureScot and Historic Environment Scotland (HES) commissioned Why Research to undertake a joint customer satisfaction survey covering their planning for development services. The purpose of the survey was to gather evidence to inform their judgements about service improvement and support their commitment to continuous improvement, while avoiding multiple surveys and providing for consistent reporting between two key agencies. This report presents the NatureScot findings. The findings from the survey are positive: (1) overall satisfaction with the service received from NatureScot is high; (2) NatureScot is seen to make a positive contribution to the planning process; (3) a majority of respondents feel it is easy to contact relevant staff at NatureScot; and (4) views on the guidance and advice produced by NatureScot are positive. The main areas where respondents would like to see improvements are in consistency of advice within and across the organisation; clarity and conciseness of guidance; and greater collaboration with other agencies and those involved in the planning process.

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