NatureScot Research Report 1301 - Monitoring the success of Peatland Action: Repeat vegetation surveys to assess change in habitat condition at peatlands restored in 2014 and 2015.

Published online
28 Nov 2022
Published by
UK, NatureScot
Content type

Haycock, G. & Cashon, C.

Publication language
Scotland & UK


This study assesses the success of peatland restoration activities at 13 sites across Scotland by repeating baseline surveys of vegetation and other environmental variables undertaken in 2014 and 2015, following or just prior to restoration. Site selection aimed to assess a range of peatland modifications and resulting restoration approaches of upland and lowland bogs across a wide geographical distribution. This report presents the results of repeat surveys of all sites that were completed during July - October 2021, comparing vegetation and other environmental variables recorded, between different restoration treatments and survey years. The report provides conclusions and recommendations on restoration approaches and monitoring methods based on each site individually, and by drawing together treatments across different sites.

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