Plant species inventory of the Natural Areas at the Chicago Botanic Garden in Glencoe, IL, USA.

Published online
18 Jan 2023
Published by
USA, Synthesis Center for Conservation and Restoration
Content type

Carter Haley & Zeldin, J.

Publication language
Illinois & USA


This paper details the plant species present in the natural areas of the Chicago Botanic Garden in Glencoe, Illinois, USA. The document reflects species occurrences in four main areas: (1) Mary Mix McDonald Woods, a leading example of oak hickory woodland restoration within the Cook County Forest Preserves; (2) the Dixon Tallgrass Prairie, a rich recreation of six types of tallgrass prairie constructed for research and public education of the mosaic prairie landscape natural in Illinois; (3) the Skokie River Corridor, a riverbank stabilization savanna restoration project; and (4) the Barbara Brown Reserve, a savanna restoration primarily devoted to songbird and waterfowl habitat. The inventory is the result of periodic vegetation monitoring across the four natural areas performed by Chicago Botanic Garden staff from 1990-21.

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