FSC BioLinks Audiences Engagement Report: summary of the audience consultation and engagement with the FSC BioLinks project [version 3].

Published online
23 Feb 2023
Published by
UK, Field Studies Council
Content type

Brown, K. D. & Bell, C. & Brignoli, G.

Publication language


The Field Studies Council (FSC) BioLinks project aims to engage people who have an existing interest in biological recording, such as amateur naturalists (in areas such as photography, conservation/environmental education), biodiversity sector professionals looking to develop their skills, and existing biological recorders. Potential audiences were explored throughout the FSC BioLinks consultation undertaken during 2016 in order to ensure that project activities would have maximum impact by strengthening the biological recording network and promoting a diverse and inclusive community. This report details how the FSC BioLinks project gathered evidence regarding the demographics of people who are currently engaged with biological recording, and how it aims to engage with some of the demographics that were highlighted as under-represented. Four demographic groupings were investigated during the consultation: age, gender, ethnicity, and special needs and disability. Sections of this report discuss each of these demographic groupings in terms of reporting and/or influencing. Each section includes the information, intended target audiences and desired outcomes outlined in the FSC BioLinks Activity Plan. Each section then provides a summary of the progress to date, current engagement levels and summarised intended Action Plans for each of the target audiences.

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