Farmstead modernization adversely affects farmland birds.

Published online
06 Jul 2023
Content type
Journal article
Journal title
Journal of Applied Ecology

Šálek, M. & Mayer, M.
Contact email(s)

Publication language
Czech Republic


Farmland biodiversity is declining at an alarming rate and various conservation measures have been implemented to reverse this negative trend. Farmsteads within agricultural landscapes were recently identified as farmland bird hotspots, so we ask whether the modernization of farmsteads has substantially reduced their conservation potential for farmland birds. We assessed the effect of farmstead modernization on 29 farmland bird species in rural landscapes on 97 dairy farms across the Czech Republic, investigating differences in farmland bird abundance and species richness, as well as nest abundance of declining farmland species breeding in buildings, by comparing new/modernized with old and mixed farmsteads. Additionally, we investigated how farmstead size and environmental variables influenced avian assemblages on farmsteads. Farmland bird abundance was almost 3-fold lower in new/modernized farmsteads compared to mixed and old farmsteads (this difference was mostly driven by building-nesters and noncrop-nesters). Similarly, species richness was higher in old and mixed farmsteads compared to new farmsteads. Old cow sheds hosted more nests (both old and new nests; by a factor of 1.6-21) of house sparrows Passer domesticus, barn swallows Hirundo rustica and house martins Delichon urbicum compared to new cow sheds. Importantly, effects of environmental variables were negligible or smaller compared to the farmstead type, suggesting that bird abundance and species richness on farmsteads was primarily driven by farmstead modernization rather than the structure of surrounding farmland. Synthesis and applications. Farmstead modernization may have strong adverse effects on farmland bird populations due to reducing the availability of critical high-quality nesting and foraging opportunities. Modernization is largely financed from existing EU funds, which directly conflicts with EU biodiversity strategies aiming at halting biodiversity loss. We therefore recommend (i) including compensatory measures to increase nesting and foraging opportunities for birds during farmstead construction/modernization, (ii) increasing awareness of these problems among critical stakeholders and (iii) increasing support to small-sized traditional farms to retain and improve habitat conditions for declining farmland species.

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