England Green Infrastructure Mapping Database. Version 1.2 Method Statement.

Published online
31 Aug 2023
Published by
Natural England
Content type

Moss, M. & Greenwell, D. & Hunt, D. & Petrovic, M. & Hockridge, B. & Holmes, G. & Wigley, S.

Publication language
England & UK


This method statement for version 1.2 of the "England Green Infrastructure Mapping Database" sets out the approaches and methods used for all the content (combined V 1.1 and 1.2) produced by spatial assessment of combined source data. The individual maps or layers in the mapping are described in detail in the User Guide on the Green Infrastructure Standards website. The file is divided in sections, explaining: approach to using Green Infrastructure typologies in the mapping; approach to how the public accessibility of green spaces was determined in order to produce the "Accessible Green Infrastructure" map; approach taken to determining access to woodlands; how a "greenness" grid was created for all England; how the full accessible natural green space (ANGSt) assessment for England was undertaken; approach to undertaking accessible natural green space inequalities assessments; how the "Blue Infrastructure" network mapping was undertaken for water bodies and water courses; how the access to waterside assessment was done; how a focussed assessment of access to waterside in urban areas only was done; how the grid density maps for "Public Rights of Way" were undertaken; and how the "Public Rights of Way Experiential Terrain" mapping was done to provide information on the landscape experience of all routes in the network.

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