Back on Our Map: Aspen survey, propagation and reintroduction methods.

Published online
19 Jan 2024
Published by
UK, Back On Our Map
Content type

Publication language
UK & England


This article introduces the project Back on Our Map (BOOM), which aims to raise awareness of and reinforce aspen (Populus tremula) populations in south Cumbria, England. The project did this by: discovering and mapping known aspen stands; harvesting roots of aspen stands for propagation of new trees for reintroduction; working with partners such as Art Gene and HMP Haverigg to teach them aspen propagation techniques; raising awareness of aspen at community talks, conferences, and social media posts; planting 4600 aspen, with some provided by Eadha Enterprises, the aspen charity and some cultivated by BOOM, into south Cumbria to ensure the project was planting both male and female trees for the long-term survival of this species; and involving landowners and farmers and encouraging them to plant aspen on their land and to provide aftercare when the BOOM project finished.

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