National Vegetation Classification of Quarry Hangers SSSI and Quarry Dean Meadows.
This report details the findings of National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveys conducted by Giles Groome, a Consultant Ecologist commissioned by Natural England, in the North Downs region of Surrey. The surveys aimed to assess the potential for Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) designation for eight fields and a former quarry. The study area comprised two main sections: Quarry Dean Meadows, consisting of five non-SSSI fields and the former quarry, and Quarry Hangers, comprising three fields contiguous with an existing SSSI. The surveys revealed significant areas of 'high conservation interest' grassland communities, along with stands of neutral grassland, scrub, and woodland. Notably, rare and threatened species were recorded, including Nationally Rare Rhinanthus angustifolius (Greater Yellow-rattle) and Surrey Rare Lathyrus sylvestris (Narrow-leaved Everlasting-pea). The report concludes by recommending that the two sites be considered as a compound North Downs scarp site, to be designated as the Quarry Dean Meadows and Quarry Hangers SSSI. Overall, the report highlights the ecological importance of the surveyed areas and suggests strategies for their conservation and management.