NatureScot Research Report 1145 - Distribution mapping and baseline monitoring survey of sea caves around Fair Isle.

Published online
18 Nov 2024
Published by
UK, NatureScot
Content type

Harries, D. B. & Purcell, A. & Moore, C. G. & Lyndon, A. R. & Porter, J. S. & Saunders, G. R. & Hume, C. L.

Publication language
Scotland & UK


The aim of the current study was to create an inventory of the location, extent and nature of sea caves around Fair Isle. Additionally, the study set out to gather detailed biological data from a series of selected caves. The purpose of this was to gather information relevant to the distribution and quality of the Annex I habitat 'submerged or partially submerged sea caves' (as defined by the Habitats Directive) around Scotland. This information is also relevant to Fair Isle's designation as a Demonstration and Research MPA. A total of 175 potential cave sites (including arches and tunnels) have been identified on Fair Isle based on a combination of historical records and direct observation. All available information on caves has been collated into a cave inventory.

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