NatureScot Research Report 1291 - Review of chough management between populations - a comparison of the biotic and abiotic factors influencing chough populations across the UK and Irish range.

Published online
13 Nov 2024
Published by
UK, NatureScot
Content type

Norfolk, D. & Siriwardena, G.

Publication language
UK & British Isles


This report provides an update on the status, drivers of change, and management effects concerning the Scottish chough population and other relevant populations in the British Isles. It highlights the critical state of the Scottish chough population, which is at risk of extinction within the next 50 years without continued intervention. The report discusses the ongoing conservation efforts, including supplementary feeding and parasite treatments, which have stabilized the population but are not sufficient for long-term sustainability. It emphasizes the need for sustainable habitat management, agricultural practices that provide sufficient food resources year-round, and genetic reinforcement. The report also explores the potential for learning from conservation measures used in other regions and the establishment of stepping stone populations to ensure long-term genetic viability. Additionally, it identifies gaps in knowledge and areas for further research, such as formal inter-regional analyses and evaluations of management interventions.

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