NatureScot Research Report 1306 - Pilot study to find potential new sites for genetic conservation units for native trees in Scotland.

Published online
21 Nov 2024
Published by
UK, NatureScot
Content type

Cavers, S. & Lobo-Guerrero, J. P. & Perry, A.

Publication language
UK & Scotland


This report proposes the establishment of 98 additional Gene Conservation Units (GCUs) across the UK, building on the existing network of sites recognized for protecting genetic diversity and natural processes in forest trees. The first GCU in the UK was declared for Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve (NNR) in Wester Ross in 2019, and there are currently five GCUs in Scotland, representing four tree species: Pinus sylvestris, Betula pendula, Quercus petraea, and Sorbus aucuparia. The new proposed GCUs will include seven additional tree species. These GCUs are located on sites managed by a variety of public, private, and non-governmental organizations. A fundamental principle of the GCU process is that sites are nominated by their owners, and the recognition of a GCU reflects sound, sustainable management of genetic diversity, which remains compatible with commercial land use.

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