NatureScot Research Report 1307 - Investigate the issue of herbicide usage in nature conservation and the potential impacts on biodiversity including adverse effects on non-target species - Phase 1 - Review and evidence screening.

Published online
29 Nov 2024
Published by
UK, NatureScot
Content type

Cook, S. K.

Publication language


Invasive non-native species (INNS) and overabundant native plants can threaten conservation objectives, necessitating control measures, including herbicide use. This literature review evaluates the usage, impacts and evidence gaps associated with herbicides in conservation management. Herbicides undergo rigorous assessments during registration to ensure safety for humans and the environment. However, these tests are limited in scope. Peer-reviewed studies reveal significant harmful effects of herbicides on non-target organisms and biodiversity. Indirect effects, which are harder to identify, pose additional risks. Evidence highlights the need for improved understanding and management of herbicide impacts, particularly on sensitive ecosystems, to balance conservation goals effectively.

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